Me at the Māori graduation for my PhD.
Ko Wai Au?
Ko Taupiri te maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Waikato rātou ko Ngāti Maniapoto, ko Ngāpuhi, ko Ngāti Kahu ngōku iwi
Ko Ngāti Mahuta rātou ko Ngāti Kino Haku, ko Ngāti Tara ngōku iwi
Ko Maurea, Parawhenua, me Parapara ngōku marae
Ko Hākopa Ngaha tōku ingoa
(Most of) The Auckland Quantum Optics group at the 2021 DWC Symposium (Photo credit to Frank Wang)
Who Am I?
My name is Jacob and I am a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Auckland.
On my father's side, I am of Waikato, Ngāti Maniapoto, Ngāti Kahu, and Ngāpuhi descent. On my mother's side I am of Scottish descent.
I am originally from the beautiful city of Auckland, in the even more beautiful country that is Aoteatora / New Zealand.
Me (left) and my friend, Geraud (right), at the 2021 DWC Symposium (Photo credit to Frank Wang)
My main hobbies are:
- Reading — Mostly fantasy (Malazan, Wheel of Time, LoTR) and ancient history
- Music — My top favourite genres are jazz and 80s Japanese pop. I also play the double bass!
- Karate — I started karate when I was ten years old and am currently a first-dan black belt. Ouss!
- Knitting — I love knitting, and mostly make things for my dog. Check out my insta: @ngaha.knits